Botox and fillers for treatments on and around the lips

A lot of people want full, voluptuous lips and smooth skin around the mouth. Either because it makes you look younger or because you think it looks prettier. Unfortunately, few people are born with full or symmetrical lips or they become thinner as you age. Would you like a different shape or a younger look? You can achieve that with fillers or Botox. With one of the treatments below or with a combination thereof. We are ready to help and advise you on what will suit you best.

Nick Eshuis
13:40 19 Aug 22
Ik heb hier mijn kaaklijn laten doen… HET IS ECHT SUPER GEWORDEN! BEN SUPER TEVREDEN! Personeel was top! De kliniek is echt mooi van binnen! Kortom perfect!!!
20:12 26 Jul 22
Vandaag bij next cosmetic clinics geweest. Jorien vd Pas was zeer vriendelijk en nam alle tijd voor een vrijblijvend consult. Aansluitend was er ruimte voor een behandeling.Ik ben ontzettend tevreden met het eindresultaat. Een natuurlijke look, precies zoals ik had gehoopt! Een professioneel team, waarbij service op nummer 1 staat!
Akoele Anani
12:52 23 Jun 22
Afspraak voor botox want ik zweet veel in de zomerNu 2 weken later kan ik het al Merken. Ik zweet nauwelijks nu.Service was uitstekend, behandelaar was lief en geduldigIk kreeg goed uitleg en antwoorden op al mijn vragen.
Annemiek Wassink
16:37 26 May 22
Mooie, sfeervolle zaak met vriendelijk personeel.De behandelend arts is ook heel kundig en eerlijk in haar advies. De behandeling was goed met een tevreden gevoel over het resultaat.
jasna erbas
14:08 26 May 22
Heel kundig en vriendelijk team, zowel bij Next Cosmetic Clinics als bij Next Fatfreeze Clinics. Je voelt je op je gemak en de behandelingen hebben het gewenste resultaat. Er volgen zeker meer behandelingen!


A fuller mouth looks young and sensual. Do you have adequate muscle tension around your mouth? This effect can be achieved with the lip-flip, a Botox treatment. Botox is injected into the edge of the lips so the muscles relax and the lips turn slightly upwards. The lips look fuller as a result. Would you rather avoid a Botox treatment? Or is your mouth unsuitable for this? Then a lip enlargement using fillers is a great idea. Our physicians will provide you with advice when you come to the clinic. You can then have your lips enlarged using fillers.

Lip augmentation

A lip enlargement is just like the lip flip but with fillers. If gives you fuller lips or lips that are the same shape, if you currently have asymmetric lips. Using fillers, our physicians will ensure the mouth retains its natural shape but looks fuller or more even. This ensures that your mouth remains true to your face but you will look younger and more radiant. Immediately after the treatment, the lips may look a little swollen but the real effect will become evident after a few days. The effect lasts around 12 months.

Nasolabial folds

The outer lines from the nose to the lips are called the nasolabial folds. Talking and laughing leads to the folds getting deeper over the years. As we age, the skin loses its elasticity and the folds become deeper and the face begins to look tired. A filler treatment will plump these nasolabial folds. You will look revitalised, rejuvenated and younger. This treatment is often combined with a lip enlargement or fillers in the cheekbones as these give the face a natural ‘lift’.

Smoker’s lines

Smoker’s lines are small creases above the mouth. They are often prominent in smokers but non-smokers can also suffer with these lines above the top lip as their skin ages and its youthful elasticity is lost. Luckily, we can treat these smoker’s lines effectively with fillers. These fill the skin, ensuring the vertical lines are less evident for a period of around 12 months. The result is subtle and your mouth retains its natural shape.

Mouth corner lift

When the corners of your mouth droop, you may look angry or irritated. Even though you’re not. As you age, your skin loses its elasticity and this is noticeable at the corners of your mouth. They droop and this has an impact on your face. We can lift the corners of your mouth using Botox or fillers. The most suitable substance depends on your skin and what causes the droop in the corners of your mouth. Our physicians will assess you during your appointment and advise you on the best treatment. The treatment is quick using both methods, and the result will usually last for a few months.

Treatment with Botox or fillers

We can treat the lips and the area around your mouth with Botox or fillers to give you a younger, fresher appearance. Of course, you don’t need to decide which methods we use; our physicians will make a decision based on your face and your requirements. But they will also endeavour to create a natural result and will provide honest advice so you know what is achievable and what to expect. Any questions? You can always get in touch or check the Frequently Asked Questions  section on our site.

Book your lips and mouth treatment
at Next Cosmetics Clinics now

Choose a younger appearance that suits you and book a treatment
for your lips and the skin around your mouth with fillers or Botox.
Our specialised physicians will be happy to advise you and
will always deliver the very best quality. Book your treatment quickly online.